古典吉他铭器:一把十万元级的德国好琴Dieter Hopf
前天在江伟杰老师家里有幸弹过这把迪特·霍普(Dieter Hopf)的最高型号,的确是不同凡响,连江老师以前用的那把Kneipp,Ian(伊恩·内普)也显得有些音量不足了(Kneipp的音量是出名的大),而且音色上Dieter Hopf更有内涵,真是一把不可多得的好琴。
迪特·霍普(Dieter Hopf)德国当代最优秀的制作家之一,霍普出身在一个小提琴制作世家,他从21岁起便立志成为一位优秀的吉他制作家,其后他赴英国学习制琴三年,返回德国后开设自己的工房,到了1970年,霍普已经是一位驰誉国际的制作名家,他的乐器音量极大,音色清澈透明,其最具代表的制作型号为“La Portentosa”(西班牙文:奇特的、美妙的意思)。 使用Dieter Hopf的演奏家有:Michael Troester,Jorge Morel,Alexandre Lagoyaand, Baden Powell。
下面是Dieter Hopf吉他另外一个中端型号:
Dieter Hopf is one of the great innovators and his concert instruments have been played by many top professionals including Alexandre Lagoya, Jorge Morel and Baden Powell.
This is an instrument with excellent projection. The sound is focused and balanced with the refined and detailed tone colour typical of this luthier. Also typical of Dieter Hopf is the superb and meticulous workmanship and attention to detail both with regards to playability and to the appearance of this beautiful guitar. Particularly nice touches include the matt finish on the top and the extra (C) fret.